About Us
Located in Buckingham PA, Baci offers an extensive selection of unique Italian entrees, sure to tantalize anyone’s taste buds. Besides one-of-a-kind pasta dishes, we also offer the finest steaks and freshest seafood, as well as daily specials prepared to perfection by our executive chef. Baci is the ideal destination for revealing the rich virtues of a true Italian restaurant, even down to the very best wines Italy has to offer.
Our Family
Baci’s unique dining experience was created when the owners wanted to showcase their love of food while staying true to their roots and background. David and his late wife Ziz Husenaj opened the restaurant together in 1997. David, who was born in Italy and raised in France, discovered his passion for food while cooking in various French restaurants. After moving to America, he opened and ran restaurants with his brothers, before eventually opening his own, which became Baci (translating to kiss in Italian). Ziz was raised in Rugby England. When she saw the restaurant she knew she wanted to create an English pub atmosphere, which is how the Heart of Oak Pub was born. With both of their families originating from Albania, they infused their backgrounds and created a menu that is certain to please anybody’s tastebuds.
Our History
The parcel of land that Baci Ristorante Italiano now sits was originally owned by the Large family in the early seventeen hundreds. After many years of Large family hand-me-downs, the property ended up in the possession of a Solebury farmer, Thomas P. Broadhurst. Through several transactions, Jane E. Atkinson became the first registered tavern licensee.
Atkinson, Dungan, Duckworth, and Ott were all names of people that at one time or another owned the rights to what is now known as Baci Ristorante that utilized the property as a hotel or restaurant. Known as “The Ottoway House”, “Baskerville’s”, “Stone Manor Tavern” but today, “Baci”.